Join the RCIA Journey
People who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith are invited to join a process known as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). The course is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. With God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the Sacraments fruitfully.
Exploring Catholicism with Focus on Faith
We follow the Focus on Faith book by Deborah M Jones which is a systematic exploration of the thinking and practice of Catholicism for people embarking on the road to becoming a Catholic. The book covers the summary of the history of our Church, an overview of the Old and New Testaments, principle tenets of the Catholic tradition, but most importantly the Sacraments, in the first place the Eucharist and the Prayers of our treasured spiritual heritage.
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