Safeguarding at Sacred Heart Church
Our Commitment
The Verona Fathers (Comboni Missionaries) regard the health, safety and well-being of every person as an absolute priority given that as Catholics we believe every human being has a value and dignity which comes directly from having been created in the image and likeness of God. In the area of Safeguarding, the Verona Fathers (Comboni Missionaries) in England and Wales are regulated by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA), and are aligned to the Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS), who provide advice and guidance on practical issues and on following the national Policy and Procedures of the Church.
Contacting your Safeguarding Representatives
The local safeguarding representatives, Mrs Jane Gow and Mrs Julie Erdmann, play a key role in promoting good and safe practices in all parish activities involving children, young people, and adults at risk.
Contact Information:
Mrs Jane Gow:
Email: jgow@themarist.com
Phone: 0774 5180 086
Mrs Julie Erdmann:
Email: julie_erdmann@hotmail.co.uk
Phone: 0784 9760 534
For additional support, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at 01273 241203.
Find more information at: www.abdiocese.org.uk/safeguarding/home and www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk
Safe Spaces Support Service
If you or someone you know has been affected by abuse within the Church, however long ago, Safe Spaces provides independent, confidential support for adults.
Contact Safe Spaces:
Website: www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk
Helpline: 0300 303 1056
Email: safespaces@firstlight.org.uk
Helpline Hours:
Monday–Friday: 9 AM–9 PM
Saturday: 9 AM–1 PM
Sunday: 1 PM–5 PM
Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA): Setting the Standard for Safeguarding
The Catholic Standards Safeguarding Agency (CSSA) is a new central agency that has been created as the professional standards body to which all Catholic Dioceses and Religious Life Groups in England and Wales are accountable. It replaces the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS) and National Catholic Safeguarding Commission (NCSC).
Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency,
39, Eccleston Square,
London. SW1V 1BX
Tel.: 0207 901 1920
E-mail: admin@catholicsafeguarding.org.uk
Web: www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk

Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS)
The Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS) is an independent team of safeguarding professionals which provides safeguarding services to the Religious of the Catholic Church in England and Wales
Religious Life Safeguarding Service,
P.O. Box 878,
York. YO31 6GS
Tel.: 0151 351 6262
E-mail: safeguarding@religioussafeguarding.org
Web: www.religioussafeguarding.org
Domestic Abuse Group (DAG)
Every person has a right to live their life free from violence, abuse, intimidation and fear. Violence of this kind should never be tolerated or ever justified. On behalf of the Church in England and Wales, the ‘Domestic Abuse Group’ of the Bishops’ Conference leads in supporting the victims, and fighting the scourge, of domestic abuse.
Web: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/category/cbcew/our-work/department/social-justice/domestic-abuse/
Safeguarding helplines in the UK
NSPCC: The leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the U.K.
Tel.: 0808 800 5000
Web: www.nspcc.org.uk
E-mail: help@nspcc.org.uk
Stop it Now Helpline: Charity working to prevent Child Sexual Abuse.
Tel.: 0808 100 0900
Web: www.stopitnow.org.uk
An anonymous and confidential helpline for men and women who are harming their spouses or partners and families. The helpline also takes calls from such spouses or partners, friends and relatives who are concerned about perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Tel.: 0808 802 4040
Web: www.respectphoneline.org.uk
Childline: Listening Service for Children.
Tel.: 0800 1111
Web: www.childline.org.uk
Action on Elder Abuse: Confidential help and advice on any form of mistreatment of older adults.
Tel.: 0808 808 8141
Web: www.elderabuse.org.uk
National Domestic Violence Helpline: Run in partnership between Refuge and Women’s Aid.
Tel.: 0808 200 0247
Web: www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Age UK
The UK’s largest charity working with older people providing advice and support.
Tel.: 0800 678 1174
Web: www.ageuk.org.uk