An Alternative
Jesus had an approach to life different from the one propagated by those in positions of power. He never destroyed life but rather restored it ~ on so many occasions and in different ways. Whenever he met people ~ a new dimension of life, of hope and of belonging was given. That is why people admired and followed him.
The Pharisees, who thought of themselves as being righteous, criticised Jesus for mixing with sinners. Jesus responds that it's not the healthy who need of a physician, but those who are sick. Weaknesses and sin, the realisation that we fall short of our potential... are part of the human condition ~ but rather than being barriers, if accepted in the right spirit, they can become new bonds of unity, moments of growth ~ with one another and the Trinity.
There are so many possibilities that are offered to us in order to grow in this mystery and in our relationship with one another. There is first of all Prayer: personal prayer, meditation, contemplation, adoration ~ and community prayer. There are countless books for on spiritual life, meeting with a spiritual director on a regular basis or when on retreat. We also celebrate the Sacraments. In all these ways we become more aware of the presence of God in our own lives and in our communities ~ and this will radiate in our dealings with others ~ proclaiming and celebrating the mysteries of life where we serve!