Proclaiming God's presence

To proclaim God's presence and his Kingdom in this world is more than just appealing and collecting for charity. The earth and its resources are to be shared among all because He created all and it all belongs to Him. We believe that everyone is God's child. Everyone is loved by Him and therefore is good.

Throughout the history of humankind we see that there is faith and its opposite ~ the rejection of God ~ sin. Sin is rejection of God's active presence in the world. We see so many examples of people who want to be in charge and use their own power to lay down their laws that profit only their small group, thus drifting away from God who wants everyone to have a share in the world he created.

Prophets through the centuries have called for people (for us) to wake up, to look at life and the world around us, those who are sharing our journey in this life ~ to have a change of heart and look to what pleases God ~ remembering that commandment is very close to loving your neighbour as yourself.


Mission and the Cross


Take Note and See