Babel vs. Pentecost Mentality
There is a contrast between two biblical episodes, two opposing ways to visualise the theme of a multicultural community.
In the Babel story, no one can communicate with each other. Each group stays isolated and only thinks about its own interests, which makes it impossible to build anything together. Babel shows what happens when one group believes their language or culture is superior - it leads to conflict and division.
When people fall into this pattern, they begin with difficulty understanding each other. Soon they stop listening and only try to force their own ideas on others. This ends in one of two ways: either powerful groups dominate while weaker ones remain silent and bitter, or people live next to each other but never truly connect, making real community impossible.
The Pentecost story shows something different - it's about unity and mutual understanding. Everyone keeps their own language and identity, yet they can understand each other perfectly. Pentecost shows God's vision of a new kind of humanity where different cultures complement and complete each other.
We don't need to ask which story we should follow in our communities - Babel or Pentecost. While the choice seems clear, don't we experience both in our daily lives? We must admit that Pentecost doesn't always prevail. Living in a way that both unites cultures and respects their differences is a long journey. Taking the "road less travelled by" as Robert Frost reminds us, will make all the difference!