Saint Comboni and Mission Vision

Everything in the life of St. Comboni spoke of mission. He was convinced that love is fundamental in the formation of missionaries and of communities ~ “what is needed is charity, that makes people holy and capable”.  Jesus had given the example, selecting men that were different in character, culture, professions, though all Jews. Comboni brought all kinds of characters, nationalities... together and formed them as a “cenacle of apostles” because it was work that was continuing the work of the Apostles.

St. Comboni’s experience, with that of his companions and Sisters, remains as a charismatic point of reference. This is codified in our Rule of Life which, approved by the Church, proposes ideals to be reached. It is up to us to announce the Gospel as a group, faithful to the praxis of the Apostles and of St.Comboni:

* St. Comboni set off for an unknown mission; there is always some new aspect to discover when we leave for mission. The difficult part is to discover it together in community, in which the Spirit operates. This same Spirit of jesus cannot make us discover contrasting things.

* St. Comboni had great confidence in the people he served; we are not going to people from whom the Spirit has been absent. We have to discern this presence, listen to the experience of the people all together, and so enter the sphere of action of the Spirit.

* Comboni was for the most neglected; but in obedience to the Church he would have travelled the whole world. We are present now in 4 continents and where we are sent, there also is the Founder sent, with his charism.


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